Here's looking at you
from a
horsey weekend.
from a
horsey weekend.
Friday, after running my a.m. bus route I came home and stirred up breakfast for myself as Kittee and Miriam had already had breakfast after having slept in late for the morning. They were calling it their weekend OFF. After breakfast we headed for Walla Walla. There I spent my time helping on the trail-riding course of the annual spring show of the Northwest Quarter Horse Assoc. while Kittee and Miriam went into town and did some round-the-rounds and shopping. Friday afternoon, we were planning on getting in some horseback riding after my p.m. bus run, but the winds started kicking up and we decided to just sit it out and have a few beverages, dinner, and call it an early night in preparation for Saturday's activities.
Saturday, our plans were to horseback ride, ride, ride. After a breakfast of very whole wheaty hotcakes and sausage, Kittee and Miriam had an a.m. appointment in Walla Walla for a pedicure. They were only going to be gone for a couple of hours and upon their return we were going to groom, saddle-up our rides and ride, but again we found that the wind was very cool and gusty. So for most of the rest of the afternoon we made walks out to the pastures to just pet and play with horses.
I laid around with some of the herd while sunbathing
After their card playing they mixed up a couple of drinks and took in a video, while I was on the computer doing something.
Saturday evening we had a delicious dinner of onion, garlic, olive oil, stirred in with mixed veggies over large plates of pasta and thereafter Kittee and Miriam visited while I fooled around on the ‘puter and watched 60's-70's YouTube concert videos. Our plans now were to put in a lot of time with horses on Sunday, and to get to bed for a good night’s rest before this day got too late and into our Sunday’s plans.
Sunday was a beautiful day from start to finish. I fixed breakfast for all – corny grits, sausage, eggs and biscuits. Thereafter Kittee and Miriam did their things while I made another application of Round Up along / between the garden rows to kill unwanted weed and grasses. By the time I finished, Kittee and Miriam were working on grooming Misty for some riding time with Miriam.
When I got back to the barn I was able to catch Miriam playing / petting a couple of our fillies.
Now here I will let the next series of pictures and the McKuster Ranch YouTube channel tell the story of Miriam’s progression with horseback riding this day.
Miriam did VERY WELL with handling Misty. If you watch the videos don’t forget that you can increase the resolution to 480p and make the presentation FULL screen, which makes a pretty nice video show of this day around the ranch.
Links to McKuster Ranch's One-Day horseback riding course -
Horseback Riding 101a -- 1:06 minute
Horseback Riding 101b -- 1:05 minute
Horseback Riding 101c -- 54 seconds
Horseback Riding 101d -- 18 seconds
Horseback Riding 101e -- 48 seconds
Horseback Riding 101f -- 1:25 minute
Horseback Riding 101g -- 47 seconds
On an annual basis, we ask Miriam to spend some time with our foals so as to make a year-to-year comparison of development. Here are pics of her stands with Rosey.
April 2010
Sunday afternoon after lunch and Miriam hit the road for home; Kittee and I saddled up Derby and Nugget and played with these guys right up until beer-thirty. We did some trotting in the arena, Kittee did some cantering/ jumping with Derby while Nugget and I did the limber-up and rail course at a jog. I have found Nugget to be much slower and stiffer than Misty in working these courses and I intend to work with him more on limbering up and moving faster.
After working in the arena (pic on the left) I then took Nugget out to pasture and did some walking, trotting and cantering through the open space.
After Kittee finished with Derby’s workout everyone headed for the barn, for the horses' buckets of sweet grain and our first round of beers.
The late Sunday afternoon felt great sitting in the sunshine, watching the horses and life go by at a leisurely pace. We were quite impressed with the progress that Miriam had made with riding Misty this day, as we continued to sip in a couple of Sangria wine coolers. I told her we would be glad to continue into Horseback Riding 102 if she wish to return next weekend. As the sun begin to sink into the western skies there was a little overcast so I suggested to Kittee that we build a fire and stay out for awhile, enjoying the rest of this day and another wine cooler.
Since I started this blog posting with the ending of the work week on Thursday, I will finish it with the work to be done on Monday, being a run, run day. I had cut the irrigation pump away from the irrigation weir and put in a butterfly valve last week. This week I hoped to be able to put the system back together again. So today in preparation for fertilizing pastures and the new irrigation season, I had talked to downriver Robert about coming up to give me a hand with this project. I found out how much of a hand/ help I really needed trying to align the pump's intake pipe with the weir's outlet pipe without being able to use a movable compression coupling. I was told that the pump weigh about 100 pounds… I don’t think so!! But Robert and I got the job done, THANK YOU Robert, and now I only have to replace one butterfly valve fitting of which I have put in maybe 20 around here in the process of laying all the irrigation water lines and mounting the Big Guns to cover our 16+ acres of pastures with water.
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