Well, the time is getting close for our mare/Kittee's mare, Shaiela to offer her foal to this great wide world.
Since last weekend and a few nights in between Kittee has been spending nights with Shiela in anticipation that we are about to have a brand NEW baby horse delivered to McKuster Ranch.
Over the past month Kittee has been reading Dr. Robert Miller's book on foal imprinting, we now own the video DVD of the same and this past week we acquired another DVD video presentation on foal birthing and imprinting. Gee, that was an eye opener.
Each night spent in the barn Kittee goes prepared to her comfortable folding cot with flashlight, walkie talkie, sleeping bag and goose down comforter, not to mention her goose down underwear, wool socks and turtle-fleece head wrap. She is reporting, most mornings when she get back to the house that she got over heated during the night with all her cold weather wraps on.
Also ready for the birth of this foal, Kittee's has a foaling kit of everything for the birthing needs except instant hot water.
With this blog posting I am going to let the pictures tell these thousand word story of nightlife with a pregnant horse.
All I can tell you that my wife is not only a graduate of one of the finest law schools in the Pacific Northwest/the West with her JD in hand, she is also a devoted horse rancher/lover. For someone that "hates to be cold", she is willing to spend her nights, weekend and some mid-weeknights to be in the presence of her about to foal mare.
That's my wife Kittee... and, Don't get in her way!!! ;>)
Then the lights go out.
What a woman, what a love of horses!!!
Yep, Kittee in sleeping in the barn tonight, with the weather forecast for tonight and this weekend being freezing temperatures, rain and snow for the entire weekend... there is Kittee, sleeping in the barn.
My wife has guts!!!!
She also informed me this evening that next year when we are both a year older than today, that she expects me to sleep in the barn with my/our two mares Misty and Goldie, as we hope they will be foaling in April and May '09. It's a rough life, horse ranching that is... but someone has to do it.
Please stay tuned... like it's grandsire a new world champion Purebred Arabian foal is about to be presented to McKuster Ranch, LLC. We will provide you with pictures and videos of this happening ASAP ;>)
and they should be coming to a computer near you very SOON.
Tonight, I am keeping the home fire burning, for Kittee's warmth in the morning and hopefully for the entire weekend of let's stay close to home.
Good Night and Good Luck to all,
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